The Friends' Eyecare Fund is administered by the Lothian Health Board Endowment Fund (Edinburgh & Lothians Health Foundation) recognised as a charity by the Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator SC 007342


The Princess Alexandra Eye Pavilion provides specialist care for the treatment and management of diseases and conditions affecting the eye and eyesight. Its high quality services include an Acute Referral Clinic, three theatres and two day care wards.

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We would like to give a huge thank you to everyone who has kindly donated to Eyecare.

Funding for state of the art equipment, less likely to be available to the NHS, greatly benefits many patients. Monies to enable staff to attend courses or conferences in order to keep skills and knowledge up to date would prove very hard to obtain without kind donations from our supporters. Listed below are some recent messages of support from those who have donated online through JustGiving.

Are You a Member of Staff? Apply for Funding here